Medieval Engineers Wiki:News
- 2017-03-20
- ReCaptcha added to create account, add external links, and repeated login attempts.
- Login page text updated for readability. CptTwinkie
- 2017-03-18
- Due to a flood of spam hundreds of pages were rejected. If any legitimate Medieval Engineers pages were caught in this, please message the wiki chat in our Discord server (link on the left). Captcha challenges will be added for user creation next week. CptTwinkie
- 2017-03-16
- Moderation extension added to wiki. Pages from new users must go through a moderation queue. These pages will either be granted 'allow all' status or 'reject all' status. Rejected pages will also incur a spammer block. CptTwinkie
- 2017-03-16
- Block Groups organization finished. Many new page stubs need filling. CptTwinkie