Blockdefinition (moddinghints)

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This is a "MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlockDefinition" with hints and explanations. This is a community collection. Please feel free to add/correct things. For better readability copy/paste the text into a XML capable programm like notepad++.

  <Definition xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlockDefinition"> // definition type
  <Id Type="CubeBlock" Subtype="StoneCube" /> // definition id 
  <DisplayName>DisplayName_Block_StoneBlockCube</DisplayName> // display name used for the block in-game (mods don't support localization)
  <BlockPairName>StoneBlockCube</BlockPairName> // block pair name is used together with block position (a separate definition) to position the block within the G-screen grid
  <Public>true</Public> // whether or not the definition is accesible to players (Default: true)
  <Icon>Textures\GUI\Icons\cubes\</Icon> // icon(s) used in the gui
  <CubeSize>Large</CubeSize> // what grid size the block is using (large / small) (Default: Large)
  <BlockTopology>TriangleMesh</BlockTopology> // this can be Cube or TriangleMesh (but Cube won't work in ME, it is only useful for SE armor blocks)
  <Size x="1" y="1" z="1" /> // how many blocks in each direction does the block occupy (Default: 0,0,0) (Default value will make game sad :P)
  <ModelOffset x="0" y="0" z="0" /> // offset of the model within the block space (Default: 0,0,0)
  <Model>Models\Cubes\Large\StoneCube.mwm</Model> // model for the fully built block
  <BuildProgressModels> // building progression models
  <Model BuildPercentUpperBound="0.5" File="Models\Cubes\large\StoneCube_Construction_1.mwm"> // What block model to use if build integrity is below specified threshold
  <MountPointOverrides> // overrides for mountpoints, if necessary (To prevent players from attaching to the top of an unfinished block for example)
  <MountPoint Side="Top" Enabled="false" /> 
  <MountPoints> // mount points for the block, can specify multiple for each side (Default: all sides have some kind of a mount point)
    <MountPoint Side="Front" StartX="1.0324" StartY="-0.03239999" EndX="-0.032400012" EndY="1.0324" />
    <MountPoint Side="Back" StartX="-0.03239999" StartY="-0.03239999" EndX="1.0324" EndY="1.0324" />
    <MountPoint Side="Left" StartX="-0.03239999" StartY="-0.03239999" EndX="1.0324" EndY="1.0324" />
    <MountPoint Side="Right" StartX="1.0324" StartY="-0.03239999" EndX="-0.032400012" EndY="1.0324" />
    <MountPoint Side="Top" StartX="-0.03239999" StartY="1.0324" EndX="1.0324" EndY="-0.032400012" />
    <MountPoint Side="Bottom" StartX="-0.03239999" StartY="-0.03239999" EndX="1.0324" EndY="1.0324" />
  <MirroringY>Z</MirroringY> // for mirrored building, I don't think is is useful for ME
  <MirroringZ>Y</MirroringZ> // (Default: None)
  <BuildTimeSeconds>6</BuildTimeSeconds> // how much time you need to build the block (Default: 10)
  <Direction>Horizontal</Direction> // I honestly don't know (Default: Both)
  <Rotation>Vertical</Rotation> // which way the block can be rotated (Default: Both)
  <BuildType>Cube</BuildType> // used for additional model generators (irrelevant if you don't want to use it as generated block or with generated blocks)
  <PhysicalMaterial>Stone</PhysicalMaterial> // physical material of the block (determines the strength of material, contact sounds, particles and maybe something else)
  <Components> // components used for building one of these blocks (every block needs at least a component - integrity / total component count is used to calculate how much integrity the block can have with currently built components)
    <Component Tag="ScrapWood" Count="10" /> // Tag = any item matching the specified tag can be used here
    <Component Type="InventoryItem" Subtype="LargeStone" Count ="12" /> // item with the specified defintion id needs to be used
  <CriticalComponent Type="InventoryItem" Subtype="LargeStone" Index="0" /> // used to determined at which point in building the block is 'working' (also supports tags)
  <RandomRotation>true</RandomRotation> // can the block be rotated when placed in line or plane? (Default: false)
  <CompoundTemplates> // template for compounding (this only works for Large blocks) - (don't use if you don't want to have compound block)
  <GeneratedBlocks> // generated blocks when built (for the stone cube and walls it adds the corner stone pillars) (no need to use for block without additional decoration) (no used for small grids)
  </GeneratedBlock></GeneratedBlocks><MaxIntegrity>21000</MaxIntegrity> // maximum integrity for the block (essentially HP) (Default: 1)
  <NavigationDefinition>Default</NavigationDefinition> // not used by the game at all (was used in legacy AI pathfinding)
  <BuildProgressToPlaceGeneratedBlocks>0.5</BuildProgressToPlaceGeneratedBlocks> // how much of the block needs to be built for the generated blocks to be placed on it
  <UseModelIntersection>true</UseModelIntersection> // (Default: false)
  <Mass>20</Mass> // weight of the block (Default: 0)
  <AvailableInSurvival>true</AvailableInSurvival> // is it buildable in survival? (Default: true)
  <VoxelPlacement> // rules for placing the block into voxels
      // None - Cannot be placed at all
      // InVoxel - Can only be placed in voxels
      // OutsideVoxel - Can only be placed outside voxels
      // Both - Can be placed inside or outside voxels
      // Volumetric - Has to be in voxel and must be in voxel sfor a certain percentage
      <MaxAllowed>1</MaxAllowed> // maximum of block being inside voxel (0 - 1 maps to 0% - 100%)
      <MinAllowed>0</MinAllowed> // minimum of block being inside voxel (0 - 1 maps to 0% - 100%)
  </VoxelPlacement>//Dynamic mode is dynamic placement mode (in the air I think) and Static is placing in voxel or on a static grid