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"Notes about making additional tools using various metals.

Smith mining and farming tools."

Version: 0.7

Quest Information

Quests Required to Unlock This Quest

 Ore Refining

Type of Quest


Research Branch


Items Unlocked

 Schematic: Smithing

Quest Steps

Step 1

Metal tools are crafted on a smithy or forge. Gather resources to craft a smithy.

• Obtain 1x Log (0/1)
• Obtain 6x Timber (0/6)
• Gather 8x Copper Ingots or Iron Ingots

Step 2

Metal tools have to be hammered on an anvil at a smithy or forge. If you don't have one of these then you will have to craft a Smithy at a Crafting Table.

• Craft 1x Smithy (0/1)
• Place 1x Smithy (0/1)

Step 3

A common item created at a smithy is metal parts. These are used as components in torch stands, doors and more complex blocks. You can craft Metal Parts in a Furnace or Smithy.

• Craft 10x Metal Parts (0/10)

Step 4

Metal tools are more efficient and durable than wooden ones.

Craft one Pickaxe, Hand Plow or Shovel