Wooden Sticks

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Wooden Sticks

Wooden Sticks is an early-game resource used to build most of Medieval Engineers' blocks. It can be crafted in the player's crafting screen using a  Log or collected directly from small trees spread around the planet.

"Wooden Sticks are used to produce many items and blocks. They can be produced from
logs and tree stumps. The more efficient way to acquire Wooden Sticks is to pick up small trees and plants.
Branches can also be used as a substitute for Wooden Sticks."

Version: 0.6.4


Used to Craft

 Personal Flag  House Flag  Blank Scrolls
 Locking Catch Block  Wind Mill Blade  Wooden Chair
 Plow  Oven  Jack-o'-Lantern
 Torch Stand  Wall Torch  Crossbow bolt
 Stone Axe  Landscape Stake  Torch
 Wooden Mallet  Wooden Shovel

Used to Build

 Battlement  Small Round Battlement  Diagonal Battlement
 Large Round Battlement  Wooden Support  Sloped Wooden Support
 Sloped Palisade, Right  Palisade  Palisade Spikes
 Sloped Palisade With Spikes, Right  Diagonal Palisade  Diagonal Palisade Spikes
 Large Round Palisade  Large Round Palisade Spikes  Ledge Platform
 Small Round Ledge Platform  Diagonal Ledge Platform  Large Round Ledge Platform
 King Statue  Stone Cube  Small Slope
 Small Round Corner  Stairs  Angled Stairs Slope-Corner
 Small Arch  Round Interior  Round Interior Entrance, Left
 Stairs, Right Spiral  Angle Stairs, Right Spiral  Arch
 Large Slope  Angled Slope-Corner  Large Round Corner
 Wall  Wall With Window  Wall With Entrance
 Wall With Arch  Small Round Wall  Round Wall With Window
 Round Wall, Left Entrance  Wall Arch, Left  Large Wall With Entrance
 Large Wall With Window  Wall Slope, Left  Wall Top
 Large Round Wall  Large Round Wall, Left Entrance  Large Round Wall, Right Entrance
 Large Round Wall, Double Entrance  Large Round Wall, Left Window  Large Round Wall, Right Window
 Large Round Wall, Double Windows  Roof Battlement, Right  Wall-Walk
 Small Stairs, Left  Diagonal Wall-Walk  Large Round Wall-Walk
 Railing  Railing With Supports  Round Railing
 Floor  Sloped Railing, Right  Wooden Stairs
 Large Round Floor  Large Round Machicolation  Small Round Machicolation
 Machicolation  Wooden Drawbridge  Wooden Trapdoor
 Palisade Gate  Wooden Portcullis  Wooden Gate
 Mechanical Sawmill  Horizontal Mechanical Shaft  Horizontal Mechanical Joint
 Vertical Mechanical Joint, Down  Vertical Mechanical Joint, Up  Mechanical Switch
 Vertical Mechanical Split, Down  Vertical Mechanical Split, Up  Vertical Mechanical Split
 Horizontal Mechanical Split  Vertical Mechanical Shaft  Claim Block
 Wooden Claim Block  Banner Workstation  Kiln
 Tanning Rack  Thatch Roof  Thatch Roof Top Section
 Tile Roof  Tile Roof Top Section  Tall Round Tile Roof
 Wooden Roof  Wooden Roof Top Section  Large Stockpile for Logs
 Large Stockpile for Stones  Large Stockpile for Lumber  Half-timber Wall
 Half-timber Wall With Window  Half-timber Wall With Entrance  Half-timber Wall Slope
 Half-timber Wall Top  Stick Fence  Log Wall
 Log Wall With Window  Log Wall With Entrance  Log Wall Slope, Left
 Log Wall Top  Plank Wall  Plank Wall With Window
 Plank Wall With Entrance  Plank Wall Slope, Left  Plank Wall Top
 Plank Wall Pillar  Ledge Battlement  Ledge Battlement, Outer Corner
 Ledge Battlement, Inner Corner  Corner Battlement  Small Round Ledge Battlement
 Diagonal Ledge Battlement  Large Round Ledge Battlement  Sloped Palisade, Left
 Palisade Battlement  Sloped Palisade With Spikes, Left  Sloped Palisade Battlement, Right
 Sloped Palisade Battlement, Left  Diagonal Palisade Battlement  Large Round Palisade Battlement
 Ledge Platform, Outer Corner  Ledge Platform, Inner Corner  Small Slope, Right Battlement
 Small Slope, Left Battlement  Small Slope, Double Battlement  Diagonal Stairs Slope-Corner
 Round Stairs Slope-Corner  Round Interior Entrance, Right  Stairs, Left Spiral
 Angle Stairs, Left Spiral  Arch Outer Corner  Arch Inner Corner
 Arch Inner Corner Angled  Large Slope, Left Battlement  Large Slope, Right Battlement
 Large Slope, Double Battlement  Large Vertical Slope  Round Slope-Corner
 Diagonal Slope-Corner  Small Slope Diagonal  Small Slope Ceiling
 Round Wall, Entrance  Round Wall, Right Entrance  Wall Arch, Right
 Wall Slope, Right  Large Round Wall, Right Door  Large Round Wall, Left Door
 Large Round Wall, Double Doors  Large Round Wall, Left Entrance Offset  Large Round Wall, Left Door Offset
 Large Round Wall, Right Entrance Offset  Large Round Wall, Right Door Offset  Large Round Wall, Double Entrance Offset
 Large Round Wall, Double Door Offset  Large Round Wall, Right Shutters  Large Round Wall, Left Shutters
 Large Round Wall, Double Shutters  Roof Battlement, Left  Small Stairs, Right
 Wall-Walk Inner Corner  Wall-Walk Outer Corner  Diagonal Wall-Walk Corner
 Interior Round Floor, Left  Interior Round Floor, Right  Exterior Round Floor, Left
 Exterior Round Floor, Right  Sloped Railing, Left  Machicolation Outer Corner
 Machicolation Inner Corner  Round Interior With Door, Left  Round Interior With Door, Right
 Log Wall With Door  Log Wall With Shutters  Plank Wall With Door
 Plank Wall With Shutters  Round Wall, Left Door  Round Wall, Right Door
 Half-timber With Shutters  Round Wall With Shutters  Wall With Shutters
 Half-timber Wall With Door  Framed Vertical Mechanical Joint, Down  Framed Vertical Mechanical Joint, Up
 Framed Horizontal Mechanical Joint  Framed Vertical Mechanical Shaft  Framed Horizontal Mechanical Shaft
 Thatch Roof Inner Corner  Thatch Roof Outer Corner  Round Thatch Roof Corner
 Thatch Roof Top + Section  Thatch Roof Top End  Thatch Roof Top Peak
 Thatch Roof Top T Section  Thatch Roof Top Corner  Tile Roof Inner Corner
 Tile Roof Outer Corner  Round Tile Roof Corner  Tile Roof Top + Section
 Tile Roof Top End  Tile Roof Top Peak  Tile Roof Top T Section
 Tile Roof Top Corner  Large Round Tile Roof  Wooden Roof Inner Corner
 Wooden Roof Outer Corner  Round Wooden Roof Corner  Wooden Roof Top + Section
 Wooden Roof Top End  Wooden Roof Top Peak  Wooden Roof Top T Section
 Wooden Roof Top Corner  Log Wall Slope, Right  Plank Wall Slope, Right
 Wall With Arrow Slit  Large Wall With Arrow Slit  Round Wall With Arrow Slit
 Large Round Wall, Left Arrow Slit  Large Round Wall, Right Arrow Slit  Large Round Wall, Double Arrow Slits


This item has the following tag(s)


Inventory Item


6.7 kg

Stack Size

50 item(s)

Hit Points

10 points


Burnt by Blocks [Burn Time]

Campfire  [10 second(s)]

Furnace  [10 second(s)]
Kiln  [10 second(s)]

       Oven  [10 second(s)]