Schematic: Advanced Weapons

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Schematic: Advanced Weapons

"A document describing all of the details about making iron crossbow and working with leather."

Version: 0.7

Research Schematic

Items Unlocked By This Schematic

 Iron Crossbow  Deer Head On a Plaque  Deer Pelt
 Tanned Leather  Tanning Rack  Iron Sword
 Bronze Sword  Personal Kite Shield  House Kite Shield

Crafting Recipe

Crafted By (Any)

 Drafting Table

Required Research (Any)

 Advanced Weapons

Required Items

1  Ink
1  Blank Scrolls

Amount Produced

1 item

Crafting Time

1 second(s)


This item has the following tag(s)


Inventory Item


1 kg

Stack Size

10 item(s)

Hit Points

100 points