Category:How To Play

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Version: 0.6.3

The topic of how to play Medieval Engineers is almost infinite since there are a great many things that can be engineered and constructed. Instead, this category focuses on the controls and screens available to control the game.

Official Game Description:

Medieval Engineers is a sandbox game about engineering, construction and the maintenance of architectural works and mechanical equipment using medieval technology. Players build cities, castles and fortifications; construct mechanical devices and engines; perform landscaping and underground mining. There is an entire planet to explore!
The game is inspired by real medieval technology and the way people built architectural works and mechanical equipment using medieval technology. Medieval Engineers strives to follow the laws of physics and history and doesn't use any technologies that were not available in the 5th to 15th centuries.
Medieval Engineers concentrates on construction aspects but can be played as an action game too. We expect players to avoid engaging in direct man-to-man combat and instead use their creativity and engineering skills to build war machines and fortifications. Medieval Engineers shouldn’t be about troops; it should be about the machinery you build.


The Building category describes the entire building process in Medieval Engineers. While individual tools, resources, and blocks may best be described elsewhere, this category covers how to put those things to use.

Although building is mostly about placing blocks in the world, this article describes a few of the complexities of the building system.
Largely redundant with the introduction of Research Quests, this article contains cart and catapult tutorials.
Structural Integrity
A brief explanation about the structural integrity of buildings and how to prevent them from collapsing.
Voxel Terraforming
A basic guide to using Landscape Stakes, Ropes, and Shovels to shape the land.
Voxel Hands
Voxel Hands are a set of brushes that can be used to 'paint' voxels into the world or erase them in the same manner.


The HUD shows various information about the game world that is useful while playing. This includes but is not limited to:

Information about the player's condition.
Tools and Weapons that can be equipped, items used to build or craft, and food and drink items that can be consumed.
These include information about inventory changes, expiring taxes, information about the current area, a status icon for voice chat, and contextual pop-up messages.
Available in multiplayer, text-based chat messages can be sent and received from the HUD.
Shows direction to kingdoms kingdoms, the player's current respawn  bed, active combat combat, nearby buildings and settlements, and ore deposits during certain quests.
A plain dot for aiming that can display text hints or icons around it indicating things in the world that can be interacted with.


The Main Menu is accessible any time by pressing Escape. The Main Menu has options to save worlds, load worlds, configure options, or exit the game.

There are various other screens in addition to the HUD and Main Menus that are necessary to play Medieval Engineers. Some of these include:

General Search
Accessible by pressing Letter G, the general search screen has information about all blocks and items available. Items can be added and removed from the toolbar here.
House Configuration
Accessible by pressing Letter H, the house screen shows all existing houses (factions) in the world.
Inventory and Crafting
Accessible by pressing Letter I, the inventory screen shows the contents of the player's inventory and the personal crafting screen.
Quest Journal
Accessible by pressing Letter J, the quest journal lists active quests and displays information about them. Quests can be hidden or abandoned from this screen.
Accessible by pressing Letter K, the research screen lists research trees and research quests.
Players Screen
Accessible by pressing Function 3, the players screen allows administration of players when in multiplayer.
Accessible by pressing Function 10, the blueprints screen is used to create, use, and publish blueprints of the player's creations.
Accessible by pressing Shift+Function 10, the items screen is used spawn items into the player's inventory.
Medieval Master
Accessible by pressing Alt+Function 10, the administration screen enables admin mode and has various options to manage the world.


There are many controls in Medieval Engineers that can be viewed by pressing Function 1. These controls can be customized in options.

The Game Controls category lists the general controls with links to more specific sets of controls:

Admin Controls
Controls to administer the world. Highly useful for server admins.
Blueprint Controls
Controls to create, rename, paste, or publish blueprints.
Building Controls
Controls to zoom, rotate, compound, and place blocks.
Creative Controls
Controls to fly and shape the world.
Spectator Controls
Controls to view the world from outside of your character's body.
Waypoint Controls
Controls to manipulate spectator waypoints.


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.